Always the keen observer, Dollar Bill the academician, waxes professorial in this insightful analysis of a new business trend in the tranny escort business, the phenomenon of she males hitting the road to satisfy the ever-growing nationwide army of tranny chasers’ lust.
The business of selling “companionship” has certainly evolved rapidly over the past few years. Once upon a time trannies didn’t have a lot of choices as to how to attract clientele. Street corners and neighborhood bars were basically their milieu. There were no papers or websites available for them to advertise their wares. Then along came SCREW and some other alternative weeklies to expand the options of a money-seeking she male.
Well, that was all good if you were happy to work one city or close geographic area. But what could a tranny on-the-go with a fierce case of wanderlust do? Take a bus and find a street corner in another city? Or look through the Yellow Pages hoping to locate a bar where tranny chasers like to hang out? Hmmm! Not that simple. But those days are over! With the invention of the internet and the emergence of the web to aid and abet the hustle, trannies can come and go as they please with relative ease!
Let’s say you’re a she male who is essentially burned out in a particular area. Every tranny chaser in the city has seen you and is well aware that your dick doesn’t get hard -- or that the dick in your ad is really someone else’s (whose is much larger) -- or you give lousy service -- or you have lousy reviews on TER - or whatever causes a local escort to fall out of favor with the customers. Are you stuck picking up the dregs - eking out a modest living? Hell no!
Here’s the deal: Said tranny contacts her ad rep or calls eros herself and books a “visiting” ad in almost any major metropolis you can think of in the continental united States - and some foreign ports as well! The cost of a two week ad is a whopping $120. Gosh! You think she can afford it? Then she goes on and finds a reasonable hotel in that city to receive the customers. Cost? About $150/day at the most!
Finally...the plane, bus or train ride - all of which can be booked on hotwire, expedia, priceline and a multitude of other discount travel sites. Price? A few hundred dollars at most. Today’s cell phones almost all have free national calling so no problem with that. The entire nation has effectively become a local call! So she can use her current phone virtually anywhere.
And if the girl has a computer -- or an ad rep who does craigslist -- she can post herself (or get posted) the instant she hits the new town! Tranny chasers from the new area are always looking for some new meat and bada boom...guys are calling and offering their hard-earned cash to hang out almost the moment she arrives.
As a result of this new opportunity, guys like me who book ads for the girls are besieged by orders for eros visiting ads. South Beach, Chicago, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Boston and even off-the-beaten path locations like Columbus, Toledo or Akron where eros is NOT - but craigslist IS - are all destinations for touring trannies!
Having drained the local freaks of every last tranny-chasing drop of their energy, they return home with wads of cash and lots of stories with which to regale anybody interested.
But there’s no free lunch in this world and there is a downside to this nomadic experience. First, it’s bad enough to get busted in your own hometown -- but getting arrested in a city where you know nobody and are unfamiliar with the local statutes and protocol is no party. Local gendarmes who don’t appreciate escorts invading their territories are likely to target the visitors hoping to make an example of the girls who think they can barnstorm a location, extract a huge amount of money -- and then leave with a sack of their local cash!
Second, muggers, thieves, hustlers and the like tend to work the visiting ads, well aware that the girls are little Alices in Wonderland, just ripe for the picking. I mean...what could be easier than robbing a road escort?
And predictably. I’ve heard stories on both fronts. One girl got arrested in Atlanta and really had no idea how to handle the situation. She ended up in jail for days awaiting arraignment and disposition of the case before she could finally clear the fuck out of The South. Another two took the train to Philadelphia, earned a couple of grand in a day only to get relieved of all their earnings later that evening. Discouraged and scared, they returned to The Big Apple where they felt more secure, proclaiming they would never do the road thing again unless they knew the lay of the land and at least had a few friends in the new location!
For the adventurous she male, Europe is a gold mine waiting to be exploited -- especially if you’re a tranny of color in a country with very few of your kind. One she male related that on a trip to Germany, she banked big time with a division of Aryan zombies who’d never seen or experienced the likes of Miss Diamond! But given the language barrier, expensive fares, and passport problems for aliens ,this remains a relatively unexplored avenue of expression for most she males.
The Orient would really hold great promise for a black tranny. Can you imagine the flock of Asian guys who’d line up to pay a big-dicked black she male? My God! She’d need a barrel full of viagra to service them all!
Wherever the destination, today’s technologies have expanded the horizons of escorts of all classes of trade. Their job is to harvest money from clients and opportunities abound all over the world for them to reap their rewards. Staying in one location simply doesn’t make sense anymore. Business-minded trannies know to go on google and research where they will be welcomed.
Angie, a very civilized client of mine books numerous eros visiting ads and often says “I cleaned up here..or there! But don’t tell the other girls. They’ll ruin it!” The trick is to stray off the path and find some fertile but uncultivated soil.
In a similar vane, it’s occurred to me to call up every eros ad in every city and offer to post the girls on craigslist in that locale -- for a fee of course. And I’m sure with a little industry, savvy and effort, I could bank nicely just sitting at home and putting up ads for escorts I’ve never even met. PayPal would do the trick effectively allowing me to hit the virtual road on a quest for even more and more annoying, ball-breaking clients (just what I need)! Fortunately, I have enough bull shit to deal with right here in The Big Apple. I have no life already. I certainly don’t need to complicate my existence by soliciting out-of-town flatbackers for their business!
And on that note....see ya next post!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
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