Monday, July 13, 2009


It's been a long time since I was hungry enough to telemarket tranny advertisers. And it ain't gonna happen anytime soon. Trust me. So in order to avoid that nightmare I commissioned my "friends" and colleagues at the leading adult ad agency in NYC to forward me pix and phone numbers of their clients so I could put the girls up free for a while - until they made some money - and then start selling the space at a 30% commission.

Essentially, I followed the model of eros, who gave away ads for a long time and then charged the girls after all the content made the site popular. Thus, I composed an e-mail and began sending the letter to all the advertisers on backpage. And I now find myself back in the land of courting trannies.

Mostly, it's been OK. Not everybody takes the time to respond and send a pic for a free ad. But some have. And I really need to do more e-mail blanketing. Regardless, I'm beginning to remember how creatively shady the girls can be. One set of friends in particular has taken to sending multiple photos from different e-mail addresses. But it's clear it all comes from the same source. For one, every e-mail is cc'd to the original respondent. And almost nobody ever does that. So when I see four e-mails within two hours time come in that fashion....and all with text that says "Columbian t-girl," I'm bright enough to know the 411.

I don't really care about all that. I just want good content for the site. So check it out! The first e-mail from them contained three very nice photos of a girl who looked like she was born a female. And the photos had a web address down the side. So I went to the address and found it to be a Model's directory. Girls! This is exactly what I DON'T want: Stolen/unlicensed photography on my site so the girl or photographer can sue me. WHAT PART OF NO FAKE PIX DID YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?

Shadeeeee! It brings me back to the era of SCREW Magazine being virtually the only vehicle in which the girls could advertise.
Every Wednesday, dozens of trannies would descend on the office to run their ads. And each would sit in the outer office like they were waiting for the dentist as one by one, they filed in to deal with sales girl Serena, The Wicked Witch of the East. And wow! Was she the perfect douchebag to deal with the "shady ladies" or what?

And if you were fortunate enough (or unfortunate enough - depending on your point of view) to enter the outer office melee,
you got smacked in the face with the pungent aroma of like ten different over-applied perfumes. Yikes! I remember one time I walked in to go see The Editor...and ran into like four trannies I knew from selling them Action ads. There was a sort of incestuous tension with me visiting SCREW at the time because I had been a free-lance writer for SCREW for a few years and then got a sales job with the competition (Action Magazine). And Serena didn't like it. So all the girls gathered around me, flirting and asking stuff about their Action ads when Serena saw everything in her office camera and switched her fat fishy butt to the outer office to throw a fucking tantrum because I was invading her territory. It was complete bull shit! She saw the entire deal on the camera and was just being a jealous whore.

It did accomplish one thing, though. She freaked the girls out and they sat down and behaved themselves. Action worked a little bit for the trannies but without SCREW, they were screwed...and they didn't want to piss the queen off and have her intentionally fuck up their ads...which she did a pretty good job of unintentionally.

Well enough reminiscing for the moment. I have another SCREW story that's really hilarious but I'll save it for another time. Like how many loads can I blow on the same post?

The message? Girls! No phony pictures. thanks.

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